The baptism, marriage, and death records from 1823-1899 that took place in the Chiesa San Grato Vescovo in San Colombano Belmonte are available as part of the Registri ecclesiatici della Diocesi di Torino. However, these records have not yet been indexed and can be difficult to navigate. I’ve written a brief introduction to this collection previously. This post is an image index that will allow you to quickly navigate to the records that pertain to San Colombano Belmonte in a given year. Remember, you will need a free account on FamilySearch to view these records.
The links below will navigate you directly to the first image of the collection that pertains to San Colombano Belmonte for the listed year. Typically, each year begins with baptisms, followed by marriages and finishing with deaths. The records within each section are in chronological order. You can navigate forward and backward through the images using the left and right arrows circled below: